Gardening activities for kids is the perfect blend of outdoor fun and learning where kids can dig, plant, and learn.

Believe it or not … gardening is such a fun teaching tool … not only for science but also in life lessons.

Yes, you heard me right — gardening is one way to teach children about important life lessons.  As they play, they will learn to grow their very own food, provide their own lifestyle essentials, and educate themselves on our world!

Every spring, I start a new garden with my kids to reconnect them with nature. During this time, they watch flowers and plants grow and nurture a healthy respect for nature.

Fun Gardening Activities For Kids

We all know that kids have the amazing ability to turn anything into a messy adventure.   So why not embrace their wild imaginations and channel their energy into something productive?

These 18 gardening activities for kids will introduce your children to how to treat and hopefully respect nature. And hopefully, they will make your kids say, “Wow, Mom and Dad are like, totally awesome!”

gardening activities for kids

1.      Plant a Mini Garden

Kids love miniature versions of everything, so why not create a mini garden? Use small containers or recycled materials such as tin cans or egg cartons to plant tiny gardens. They can decorate them with their own designs and watch the plants grow.

2.      Grow Vegetables

Growing vegetables can be a fun and rewarding activity for kids. Start with something easy like beans, carrots, or lettuce. Teach them about soil preparation, watering, and harvesting. They’ll love eating their own home-grown vegetables and may even be inspired to cook with them.

3.      Plant a Butterfly Garden

Butterfly gardens are not only beautiful but also important for pollination. Choose plants that attract butterflies such as milkweed, goldenrod, or butterfly bushes. Educate your kids on the life cycle of butterflies, and they’ll be thrilled to see the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly.

4.      Build a Compost Bin

Building a compost bin is a great way to teach kids about recycling and the importance of reducing waste. You can use scraps from the kitchen like fruit peels and eggshells to create rich soil that can be used to fertilize your garden.

5.      Make a Fairy Garden

Create a magical fairy garden by using a small pot and planting various plants. Add fairy figurines and accessories to create a whimsical scene. This activity promotes imagination and creativity.

6.      Create a Garden Journal

Create a garden journal to document your gardening activities. Include drawings or pictures of your garden, what plants you have planted, how they are growing, and any important notes about the plants. This helps children learn how to take care of plants, teaches them to plan and observe the natural world around them.

7.      Make Seed Bombs

Kids will love making seed bombs. Mix soil, clay, and seeds, and roll them into small balls. Let them dry and then toss them into a designated area in a park or a vacant lot. When the rain comes, the seeds will sprout and grow into beautiful plants.

8.      Create a Sensory Garden

Create a sensory garden by planting different plants that have unique smells, textures, and colors. This can help kids develop their senses and learn about their surroundings.

9.      Create a Garden Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of things to find in your garden. Hide objects like small toys or colored rocks and challenge your kids to find them. This activity promotes observation skills and gets kids interested in the different parts of a garden.

10.   Plant a Sunflower House

Planting a sunflower house is a fun way to create a secret hideaway for kids. Plant sunflowers in a circle with an opening for a door. As the sunflowers grow, they will create a cozy little fort.

11.   Make Leaf Rubbings

Collect leaves of various shapes and sizes, then place them under a piece of paper and use a crayon to rub over the paper. This will create a leaf impression. Kids will discover different shapes and designs from the different leaves collected.

12.   Paint Rocks

Paint rocks and use them as garden markers or to decorate the garden. This is a fun way to add some color and personality to your garden.

13.   Build a Birdhouse

Building a birdhouse is a fun and educational project that can be done with kids. It teaches them basic woodworking skills, exposes them to the natural world, and provides a safe haven for birds.

14.   Start a Garden Club

Encourage your kids to start a garden club with their friends. They can work together on a community garden or share tips and ideas about gardening. This will help them develop social skills and friendships while learning about gardening.

15.   Hold a Scarecrow Building Contest

A scarecrow building contest is a fun way to get kids interested in gardening and help them understand the importance of scarecrows in protecting crops. Give them different materials to work with, and see what scarecrows they can create.

16.   Use Natural Pesticides

Teach kids about natural pest control methods such as using certain plants, like marigolds, to repel insects. This exposes them to the idea of using natural solutions instead of harmful chemicals.

17.   Have a Garden Tea Party

Host a garden tea party using herbs and flowers from your garden. This will teach kids how to use plants for food and enjoyment. They’ll love using their senses to sniff and taste the different herbs and flowers.

18.   Create a Zen Garden

Create a mini Zen garden using a small container and sand. Kids can create patterns in the sand, place rocks and figurines in it, then use a small rake to create designs. This can promote relaxation and mindfulness.

19.   Make Plant Markers

Use small stakes or popsicle sticks to create plant markers. Kids can decorate them with designs, and they’ll know exactly what they’ve planted.

20.   Build a Trellis

Building a trellis can be a fun woodworking project and can be used to support vines like cucumbers or beans. Kids will learn new skills, and they’ll have fun watching the plants climb up the trellis.

21.   Create a Bee House

Building a bee house is a fun and educational project that can teach kids about the importance of bees in pollination. Provide a safe home for different kinds of solitary bees like mason bees or leafcutter.

22.   Use a Garden Map

Create a garden map to help kids keep track of the different plants growing in your garden. You can have them record what they planted, label which plants are growing where, and make observations about each plant.

23.   Have a Garden Daybed

Create a garden daybed to enjoy your outdoor space. Using an old crib, paint it, and make it a comfortable area with pillows and cushions. Kids can have a great time reading books or taking nap time.

24.   Create an Herb Garden

Growing an herb garden can be a fun and educational gardening activity. Kids can learn about the different uses of plants such as making tea, cooking, herb-infused oil, and remedies.

25.   Build a Greenhouse

Building a greenhouse can be a fun and challenging project that can teach kids about the mechanics of building. Adhesive clips, which hold sheets of plastic in place, hold together the frame of PVC pipes, conduit, or metal square tubing.

26.   Make a Terrarium

Creating a terrarium can be a fun and easy project for kids. Use a clear glass container, layer rocks, sand, and soil, then add small plants or moss. They can customize the terrarium using small accessories such as rocks, figurines, or small toys.

27.   Plant a Pollinator Garden

Planting a pollinator garden is an important way to help protect our environment and encourage the growth of pollinator populations such as bees and butterflies. Kids can learn about the importance of pollinators, and they’ll enjoy watching them visit the flowers.

There you have it, folks! Fifteen gardening activities for kids that will have them digging with joy. Gardening not only teaches them about nature and responsibility but also provides endless opportunities for creativity and connection with the world around them. So grab your shovels, get your hands dirty, and watch as your little gardeners blossom into nature lovers extraordinaire!

More Tips For Gardening Activities For Kids

Gardening activities for kids encourage your children to play in the garden and reveal natural mysteries.

Even though you may enjoy gardening by yourself, you may also find benefits to including your family in the process, especially if you have young children.

  • Get another set of gardening tools – If your child would like to garden with you, you could purchase them their own supplies. Most online retailers, toy stores, and department stores carry a selection of age-appropriate gardening accessories. including hoes, weeding forks, shovels, and knee pads.
  • Teach your child about nature – Learning the life cycle of plants, water conservation, and even the effects of the sun on plant life are easily taught to children through the garden.
  • Eat from your garden – Children are more willing to try vegetables that they have grown with their own two hands. So they can discover a love for many foods they might never have tried before.

These are just a few gardening activities for kids that you can do to make gardening more fun and educational.

You can find more gardening activities for kids at ….With the ability to create their own unique garden crafts, your kids may find that it is the perfect way to spend your summer.