Today, we’re going to learn how to make a terrarium for kids, a tiny ecosystem that you can keep at home. With a touch of creativity and love for plants, you’ll create a magical habitat that will bring joy to both you and your new plant friends. So, gather your materials and let’s dive into this exciting project!

What You Will Need

  • A clear glass or plastic container with a lid (such as a jar, fishbowl, or small aquarium)
  • Small pebbles or gravel
  • Activated charcoal (available at garden centers or pet stores)
  • Potting soil (a mix of regular soil and sand will work too)
  • Small plants suitable for terrariums (such as moss, succulents, or ferns)
  • Decorative elements (such as small figurines, rocks, or colored sand)
  • Water spray bottle
  • Optional: Long-handled tweezers or chopsticks to help with planting

Step 1: Choose Your Container

Look around your house and find a clear, empty glass or plastic container to convert into your terrarium. Jars with lids, fishbowls, or small aquariums work great. Remember, the container should have a lid to create a mini greenhouse effect inside. The size of your container depends on how much space you have and how many plants you want to include. The most important thing is that it’s clear so you can observe your mini world!

Step 2: Prepare The Base Layer

The base layer of your terrarium will help with drainage and prevent soil from getting waterlogged. Start by adding a layer of small pebbles or gravel at the bottom of your container. This layer will create space for excess water to collect without drowning your plants. Spread the pebbles evenly, about an inch thick. This will also add a decorative touch to your terrarium.

Step 3: Add A Layer Of Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal helps keep your terrarium fresh by absorbing odors and filtering the air. Sprinkle a thin layer of activated charcoal over the pebbles, making sure it covers the entire base. This charcoal layer will act as a natural filter and keep the terrarium’s environment healthy for your plants.

Step 4: Add The Potting Soil

Now it’s time to create a cozy home for your plants. Add a layer of potting soil on top of the charcoal layer. Make sure the soil layer is deep enough for the roots of your plants. Gently pat the soil down, but don’t pack it too tightly. Leave room for air and water to flow through the soil.

Step 5: Plant Your Tiny Garden

Get ready to bring life to your terrarium by planting your chosen small plants. Start by making small holes in the soil using your fingers, a pencil, or the handle of a long tool. Carefully remove the plants from their containers and gently loosen the soil around their roots. Place the plants in the holes you made, ensuring that they are well-rooted and stable. Use long-handled tweezers or chopsticks if you need help with delicate placement. Feel free to arrange the plants in any design you like.

Step 6: Decorate Your Mini World

This step brings the fun and magic to your terrarium! Add decorative elements such as small figurines, rocks, or colored sand to make your mini world unique and exciting. Be creative and let your imagination run wild. You can create tiny paths, a little pond, or a fairy garden. Just make sure to leave enough space for your plants to grow.

Step 7: Water Your Terrarium

Your mini world is almost complete, but it needs a drink! Use a water spray bottle to mist the soil lightly. You don’t want to soak the soil, just provide a bit of moisture. Take care not to spray too much water on the leaves or decorative elements, as this can lead to mold or damage.

Step 8: Cover And Care For Your Terrarium

Congratulations on creating your own captivating terrarium! Now, put the lid on your container to create a mini greenhouse effect. Place your terrarium in an area that receives indirect sunlight, as direct sunlight can cause overheating. Monitor the moisture level of the soil and mist lightly as needed to keep it slightly damp. If you notice condensation on the inside of the container, remove the lid for a while to allow some air circulation.

Tips For Making

Your terrarium will become a mini world on its own, with plants growing, soil breathing, and its own tiny ecosystem at work. Observe and marvel at the wonders happening inside. Watch how the plants interact, grow, and change. Take time to appreciate the beauty and tranquility of your miniature garden. Remember to trim any overgrown plants and remove any leaves that might show signs of decay. With proper care, your terrarium can thrive for months or even years!