Kids grow up and you can never be too old to appreciate handprint crafts. They are a great reminder of the little people you used to hold so close. 

While your kids are still young, you can make easy handprint kid crafts using their little hands.

Fun Handprint Crafts For Kids

Handprint crafts are a fun way to remember as your kids get older.  They can be used as gift items for friends, relatives or for grandparents.

I love crafting and my kids equally love using their hands. Handprints are one of my favorite things. They’re fun and they make you feel like your little one is part of the project.

1   Hand and Footprint Lobster

Hand and Footprint Lobster from 

2   Homeschool Spring Flower With Handprint

Handprint Flower Wreath from

3   Duck Handprint

hand holding handprint duck craft #1

Duck Handprint from

4   Butterfly Handprint Card

Handprint Card Mother's Day

Butterfly Handprint Card from

5   Octopus Handprint Craft

hand drawing suckers on handprint octopus

Octopus Handprint Craft from

6   Handprint Butterfly Craft

Handprint Butterfly Craft from

7   DIY Kids Handprint Keychain

Kids handprint keychain craft

DIY Kids Handprint Keychains from

8   Handprint Flower Wreath

Handprint Flower Wreath from

9   Bunny Rabbit Handprint

bunny handprint easter craft

Bunny Rabbit Handprint from

10   Easy Pete The Cat Handprint Craft For Kids

Pete the Cat handprint craft

Easy Pete The Cat Handprint Craft For Kids from

11   Handprint Ice Cream Cone Craft


Handprint Ice Cream Cone Craft from

12   Handprint Zebra Craft For Kids

hand print zebra on marble background with blue fabric

Handprint Zebra Craft For Kids from

13   Polar Bear Handprint

Hands gluing snowflake stickers onto polar bear craft

Polar Bear Handprint from

14   Super Sweet Cardinal Handprint Gift

The red cardinal painting on a white faux fur rug.

Super Sweet Cardinal Handprint Gift from

15   Handprint Rainbow Painting

Handprint Rainbow Painting from

16    Handprint Elephant Jungle Craft

Kids Collage Art: Handprint Elephant Jungle Craft from

17   Handprint Tiger Craft With Kids

How To Make A Handprint Tiger Craft With Kids from

18   Cute Sloth Handprint Craft

Cute Sloth Handprint Craft from

19   Handprint Lion Craft

Handprint Lion Craft from

20   Handprint Monkey

Handprint Monkey Valentine Craft for Kids from

21   Handprint Tiger Craft For Kids

Handprint Tiger Craft For Kids from

Tips For Handprint Crafts For Kids

Handprint Crafts for kids are special crafts where your child gets to use their own handprints to create adorable and personalized artwork. I’ve got three tips to help you ignite your kids’ excitement for these fun crafts!

  1. First off, make it a keepsake – Handprint crafts are a wonderful way to capture a moment in time. Encourage your child to choose their favorite colors and experiment with different handprint designs. Whether it’s a handprint butterfly or a tree with their handprints as leaves, the possibilities are endless. The finished crafts can become cherished mementos that you and your child can look back on together.
  2. Next, get hands-on – Literally! Kids love getting messy, so embrace it. Let them dip their hands in colorful paint or press them into soft clay. The tactile experience will make the craft even more exciting for them. Plus, they’ll have a blast while creating their own masterpiece.
  3. Lastly, involve their imagination – Handprint crafts can go beyond just handprints. Encourage your child to add details and turn their handprints into fun characters or animals. They can draw faces, add googly eyes, or even glue on craft materials. This will spark their imagination and transform their handprint crafts into unique works of art.

I hope these tips help you get your kids excited about Handprint Crafts! It’s a great way to encourage creativity and make lasting memories.

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