We all know that one-year-olds are like explorers in their own right. They’re constantly discovering the world around them and soaking up knowledge like little sponges. So we need educational activities for a 1 year old that can  keep up with them.

When my son, Henry, turned 1, I wanted to introduce activities that would engage and challenge him while also providing a safe and enjoyable learning experience. We started with simple activities like stacking colorful blocks, and the joy on his face as he knocked them down was infectious.

From there, we explored sensory play, peek-a-boo games, and even created our own mini obstacle course. These activities not only entertained him but also encouraged his problem-solving skills.

Fun Educational Activities for 1-Year-Old

These are 25 interactive and age-appropriate educational activities that are perfect for your curious 1-year-old. From sensory bins to shape sorters to DIY treasure hunts, there’s something to capture every little adventurer’s attention.

So, grab your little explorer’s hand and let’s dive into a world of wonder and discovery together. Read on to uncover these engaging activities that will nurture their growth and ignite their passion for learning.

1.      Sensory bins

Fill a small container with various materials like rice, sand, water, or even cooked pasta. Let your little one explore the different textures and shapes, promoting sensory development.

2.      Object Permanence Box

Use a box with a hole and introduce objects that can be placed inside and retrieved. This activity helps develop their understanding of object permanence and problem-solving skills.

3.      Stacking Cups

Provide a set of stacking cups and watch as your one-year-old explores the concept of cause and effect, as well as hand-eye coordination, by stacking and knocking them down.

4.      Shape Sorters

Introduce shape sorters that have simple shapes for your little one to match and place into corresponding openings. This activity promotes cognitive development and fine motor skills.

5.      Baby Sign Language

Teach basic signs such as “more,” “milk,” or “all done” to help your one-year-old communicate their needs before they are able to speak. This encourages language development and reduces frustration.

6.      Ball Rolling

Encourage your little one to roll a soft ball back and forth with you. This activity develops gross motor skills, coordination, and social interaction.

7.      Mirror Play

Set up a child-safe mirror at your little one’s height and watch as they explore their reflection. Mirror play helps with self-recognition and is great for social and emotional development.

8.      Water Play

Fill a small basin or bathtub with water and let your one-year-old splash, pour, and explore floating objects. Water play supports sensory development and hand-eye coordination.

9.      DIY Drum Kit

Gather safe objects like plastic bowls and wooden spoons to create a simple drum set. Let your one-year-old experiment with different sounds while developing their motor skills.

10.   Texture Hunt

Create a texture hunt by placing various textured items around the house or in a sensory bin. Encourage your little one to touch and feel the different textures, aiding sensory development.

11.   Musical Instruments

Provide your one-year-old with child-safe musical instruments like shakers, bells, or xylophones. They’ll have a blast exploring sounds and rhythms while enhancing their auditory skills.

12.   Finger Painting

You can do this activity outdoors or indoors on a clean surface. You can use washable or non-toxic paint and have children paint with brushes or paint stamps. This activity promotes fine motor skills, creativity, and imagination.

13.   Homemade playdough

Create a simple homemade playdough using flour, salt, and water. Let your one-year-old squish, squeeze, and explore the dough, promoting sensory and fine motor development.

14.   Texture books

Find or create texture books by attaching different textured materials to each page. Your little one can feel and explore the textures as they flip through the book.

15.   Bubble Play

Blow bubbles and watch as your one-year-old reaches out to pop them. This activity enhances visual tracking skills and hand-eye coordination.

16.   Gross Motor Obstacle Course

Set up a simple obstacle course using pillows, tunnels, and cushions. Your one-year-old can crawl under, climb over, and explore the course, developing gross motor skills.

17.   Color Exploration

Provide your little one with a collection of colorful toys or objects and encourage them to sort or match them by color. This activity helps promote color recognition and cognitive skills.

18.   Sensory Bags

Fill resealable bags with various materials like sand, gel, or water, and seal them tightly. Your one-year-old can manipulate and squish the bags, stimulating their tactile sense.

19.   Nature Walk

Take your little explorer for a nature walk and let them observe and touch safe objects like leaves, flowers, and rocks. Nature walks enhance their curiosity and support sensory development.

20.   Nursery Rhymes and Fingerplay

Sing nursery rhymes and engage in fingerplay activities like “This Little Piggy” or “Pat-a-Cake.” Your one-year-old will enjoy the rhythm and language stimulation.

21.   Drawing with Sidewalk Chalk

Again, sidewalk chalk is a great tool to use for creative projects with two-year-olds. Encourage your child to draw shapes and pictures, and practice writing letters if they’re ready. This activity promotes fine motor skills and sensory development.

22.   Hide and Seek

Playing hide and seek is a great way to enhance hide-and-seek and learn how different objects and materials are positioned in relation to each other. This activity encourages the development of problem-solving, positional language, and cognitive skills.

Tips For Educational Activities For 1 Year Old

These 20 educational activities for one-year-olds are designed to be interactive, engaging, and fun. Remember, every child develops at their own pace, so it’s important to offer age-appropriate activities. Let your little one’s natural curiosity lead the way and enjoy the precious moments of learning and exploration together.  These are 3 tips to add more learning to the fun ..

#1 – Play with simple toys.   Give your little one blocks, balls, or even cups to stack and explore. This activity will help develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities.

#2 – Read together.   Choose books with colorful pictures and simple sentences to introduce new words and ideas. Reading helps develop a child’s language and communication skills, while also strengthening their bond with you.

#3 – Dance and sing together.   Turn up the music and boogie with your little one. Dancing helps develop their gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. Singing familiar songs encourages practice of language and speech skills!

With these three tips, you and your little one will have a great time while learning new skills together. So, get ready to bond, have fun, and grow together. Let the educational adventures begin!