Did you know that recycling dried leaves is good for the planet? Well, now you know! And your kids can make a darling Dried Leaves Pouch Bag from the leaves from your backyard.

You can make anything out of dried leaves, and this includes a pouch.  If your kids are looking for a green kid craft for Earth Day, this is the best activity. It’s easy to make and won’t cost you much money at all!

If you are wondering what this pouch will look like, it will be a small pouch with a plastic cover.  So it won’t tear or break apart with daily use.  Your kids can use this for your make-up, candies, or even money!

Dried Leaves Pouch Bag To Make At Home

Toda I will teach you how to make an eco-friendly pouch bag from dried leaves found straight from your backyard. It is slightly wastewater-resistance has a plastic cover as a base, and is perfect for holding mobile phones, toys, candies, or wallets.

If your kids like to play outdoors, these pouches are small and easy for kids to carry around. And your little girl will love to recycle and look good.

This is also a great craft idea for class parties or even a fun craft idea for moms and daughters to do together.

What You Will Need

  • several fresh leaves
  • big hardbound book
  • plastic cover
  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • big sewing needle
  • crochet thread
  • short zipper
  • double-sided tape


Step 1:  Gather all the materials needed

Step 2:  Remove the leaves from the stem

Step 3:   Place the book wide

Open the book widely and arrange the leaves on one side of the book.

Step 4:  Place the leaves in the pages

Cover the leaves with an approximate number of sheets on top of it.

Step 5: Add more leaves on the other side

Arrange another batch of leaves on one side of the random page of the book.

Step 6:  Carefully close the book

Make sure that the leaves were well spaced and perfectly flattened on the book pages.  Continue doing this until you consume the whole book space.

Step 7:   Add weight on book

When the book is closed, make sure to place some force on top of this to force the leaves to flatten on the book pages while drying.  You can place several books on top of this or any heavy material that can be placed on top of it.  Let the leaves dry completely for four to fives days.

Step 8:   Let it dry

After five days, remove the dried leaves from the book pages.

Step 9:   Make the plaster cover

Cut the plastic cover based on the size that you want your pouch to be.  This will be the body of the pouch.

Step 10:  Apply double-sided tape

Put double-sided tapes on the dried leaves.

Step 11:   Arrange the dried leaves

Stick the dried leaves on the measured plastic cover body of the pouch.

Step 12:   Trim the leaves

Trim the excess dried leaves on the sides of the plastic cover.

Step 13:  Make a second plastic cover

Cut another plastic cover that has the same measure as the first one.  Cover the second plastic cover over the leaves and seal both short edges with duct tape.

Step 14:   Fold the pouch

Fold the pouch body crosswise.  The duct-taped sides should be on the topmost part of it.

Step 15:  Finish off the edges with duct tape

Tape the open sides of the body with duct tape, as well.

Step 16:   Prepare the needle and thread

Single thread the needle.

Step 17: Stitch the edge with the thread

Blanket stitch both sides of the pouch.

Step 18:  Sew the zipper on

Sew the zipper on the top opening of the pouch.  Use a running stitch for this.  Make sure that the zipper is open when you sew it on the pouch itself.

Step 19:   Check the zipper

Close the zipper and check if it runs smoothly.  Make necessary adjustments, if possible.

Step 20:    Cut a piece of duct tape

Cut a foot-long of a strip from the duct tape.  Stick the duct tape together, lengthwise.  This will be the strap of the pouch.

Step 21:   Add a strap to a pouch

Sew the strap of the pouch on the side of it, using a blanket stitch.

Step 22:  Finally done! 

You now have an eco-friendly dried leaves pouch bag.

To make this pouch bag totally water-resistant, you can replace the zipper with a water-resistant zipper.  This is a cool pouch since you are flaunting a unique, but durable bag for your daily needs.  It can accommodate the basic things that you need to bring every day.  This can also be great as a gift for your loved ones and I’m sure that they will truly appreciate this, especially if they love the environment, as well.


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